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Special President’s Message

Special President’s Message

Friends, family and supporters. A great deal has happened since members of the Blue Sky Surgical Team visited the New Hope Hospital and Dr. Eugene Maklin and his team located in Cap Haitian in northern Haiti. At the time, the region seemed far safer than crime ridden...
Blue Sky Team Visits Cap-Haitien in April

Blue Sky Team Visits Cap-Haitien in April

The Journey Begins On April 25, 2021 a five member delegation from Philadelphia-based charity Blue Sky Surgical, Inc. – led by its President Dr. Anthony Coletta, a noted surgeon and former CEO and Chairman of Tandigm Health, and Blue Sky Vice President Dr. John...
Highlights From Our Past Trips

Highlights From Our Past Trips

Blue Sky’s last mission to Haiti was in March 2018. Ongoing civil unrest and U.S. State Department travel advisories required both of our 2019 missions to be cancelled. To say our team is prepared and eager to return to Haiti is an understatement. Our Haitian medical...