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BlueSky in Honduras

BlueSky in Honduras

John Sauter, Geoff Beauchamp and Tony Coletta are finishing up 3 days in Honduras, having visited and spent time at the Manos Amigos Clinic in La Estrada and the Hospital of Santa Rosa, the public hospital 45 minutes away in Santa Rosa, Honduras. We return home...
President’s Message – May 2023

President’s Message – May 2023

On Sunday, May 21, Geoff Beauchamp, John Sauter and myself will join my good friend and colleague, Dr. George Trajtenberg, along with Bobbi Hess, Vice Chair of Serving at the Crossroads, as we travel to the Manos Amigas Clinic in Honduras. There, we will determine the...
Donor Appreciation Night 11/4/21

Donor Appreciation Night 11/4/21

On November 4, 2021 Blue Sky hosted a Donor Appreciation Night for all of our friends and family who have continued to show their unwavering support for our expanded mission in support of medical and surgical care for the Haitian people. By all accounts the evening...
Special President’s Message

Special President’s Message

Friends, family and supporters. A great deal has happened since members of the Blue Sky Surgical Team visited the New Hope Hospital and Dr. Eugene Maklin and his team located in Cap Haitian in northern Haiti. At the time, the region seemed far safer than crime ridden...